Zur Erinnerung translates to "For Remembrance".
Gertrude Cramer Pape was Amanda Pape's great-grandmother. Amanda tells us more about her in this post at her blog called ABT UNK.
ABT and UNK, of course, are the two abbreviations that family historians hate to see.
The first refers to an approximate (guesstimated) date that can be years off the correct one. The second means the original researcher didn't dig deep enough. Or worse, they did and learned no records exist about that person or event, if there ever were any.

Amanda's mother-in-law is at the far left.
In (Not So) Wordless Wednesday: Ivis Moore Mew, we meet a fifth sister, a nurse.
There are lots more goodies at ABT UNK, so do stop by, poke around, and perhaps become a Follower.

recommending another genealogy blog, post, website or resource.

WOW! Thanks for the shout-out, Jama! What a day-brightener!
You're most welcome, Amanda! Your blog is great!
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