Saturday, March 13

A Different Flea Market Saturday

It's been awhile since I've posted a Flea Market Saturday, where I shine a spotlight on an assortment of noteworthy sites I come across while surfing Blogland.

Well, it's not quite warm enough (or too soggy) in the northern hemisphere for yard/boot sales or open-air flea markets, so just this one time I'm going to toot my own horn, bang my own drum, and point you to some of the pieces I did before (or shortly after) Sat's Child came into being.

A Couple Bubbles Off Center was intended to chronicle my ancestors' arrivals in America, beginning with the earliest, John GATCHELL (from my mother's side), born in England in 1609, "down" to my father's side, which includes the LEWELLEN and FOWLER cousins at right.

Well, I got the Gatchells to Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1635, and as far as 1692 and their connection to the Salem Witch Trials, before realizing that posting their story in chronological order was NOT going to work. Painted myself into a corner as it were, and that's as far as it went.

I now know what needs to be done to correct this without ruining the flow, simply haven't got around to actually doing it. (sigh)

Even if I do say so myself, what is there is worth a read, not to mention the graphics and layout are the best I've done so far. (I warned you I was going to toot my own horn!)

But back to Sat's Child...

Over in the right-hand column is a HubPages widget which has links to four of my "best" hubs.

They are not the best, only those that, because of the keywords (tags), are "evergreen"...i.e. topics people regularly search for at Google or in HubPages' search box.

So unless you go to my HP profile, you'll never see the other two dozen hubs waiting in the wings like overlooked step-children. Here are the ones I consider the best:


Be a tourist in your own town

How to pack when flying: DON'T BOTHER


Summer is family reunion time

KSHS Library: Getting there is NOT half the fun! (and its companion piece: Elena's Pink Elephant at KSHS)


Burlingame City Cemetery: Day trip to the boonies (and its companion piece: Land of the One-finger Wave)

Rochester Cemetery: A ghostly playground?

More than the ghost of Albino Woman

And my very own all-time personal favorite:
Gardening, Genealogy & a Ghost That Sings

Have a great day!

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